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Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (4 of 12) - Stephan Earle Of Bullongne by Raphael Holinshed
page 9 of 80 (11%)
to stop this iust complaint of his brother, [Sidenote: K. Stephan
agréeth with the earle of Aniou.] and to allaie his mood, agréed with
him, couenanting to paie him yearelie two thousand marks of such current
monie as was then in vse. Furthermore, wheras Geffrey the earle of Aniou
demanded in right of his wife the empresse, the whole kingdome of
England, to be at an end with him, king Stephan was contented to
satisfie him with a yearelie pension of fiue thousand marks, which
composition he willinglie receiued.

[Sidenote: _Polydor._] Thus when he had prouided for the suertie of
Normandie, he returned againe into England, where he was no sooner
arriued, but aduertisement was giuen him of a warre newlie begon with
the Scots, whose king vnder a colour of obseruing the oth to the
empresse, [Sidenote: The Scots inuade the English borders.] made dailie
insurrections and inuasions into England, to the great disturbance of
king Stephan and the annoiance of his people. Wherwith being somewhat
mooued, he went streightwaies toward the north parts, and determined
first to besiege Bedford by the waie, which apperteined to the earledome
of Huntington, by gift made vnto Henrie the sonne of king Dauid, and
therevpon at that present kept with a garison of Scotish men.

[Sidenote: _Simon Dun._.] This place did the king besiege by the space
of 30. daies togither, giuing thereto euerie daie an assault or alarme,
in somuch that cōming thither on Christmasse daie, he spared not on the
morow to assaile them, and so at length wan the towne from them by méere
force and strength. [Sidenote: An. Reg. 3. 1138.] [Sidenote: King Dauid
inuaded Northumberland. _Matth. West._ _Polydor._ _Matt. Paris._ _Simon
Dun._] King Dauid hearing those newes, and being alreadie in armour in
the field, entered into Northumberland, and licensed his men of warre to
spoile and rob the countrie thereabout at their pleasure. Herevpon
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