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Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (5 of 12) - Henrie the Second by Raphael Holinshed
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they should find him a louing prince. He vsed the lords also verie
courteouslie. [Sidenote: Councellers chosen.] And first of all, after
his attéining to the crowne, he chose to him councellers of the grauest
personages, and best learned in the lawes of the realme, with whose
prudent aduice he perused those lawes, and amended them where he thought
necessarie, commanding chieflie, [Sidenote: _Ran. Higd._] that the lawes
established by his grandfather Henrie the first should be obserued:
[Sidenote: Thom. Becket lord chancellor] and in manie things he relied
vpon the aduice of Theobald archbishop of Canturburie, at whose sute he
admitted Thomas Becket to be his chancellour, which Becket the said
archbishop had made archdeacon of Canturburie the yeare before.

Moreouer, by the sentence and doome of his councellers, to the intent
that peace and quiet order might take place, and be the better
mainteined, [Sidenote: An. Reg. 2. 1155] he commanded by waie of
publishing a proclamation, [Sidenote: _Nic. Triuet._ _Polydor._ _Wil.
Paruus._ Strangers appointed to depart the realme. Aliens auoid the
land.] that all strangers (which to get somwhat by the wars had flocked
into the realme, during the time of the ciuill discord betweene him and
king Stephan) shuld depart home without further delaie: wherefore he
appointed them a daie, before the which they should auoid vpon perill
that might insue. It was a worlds woonder to sée and marke how suddenlie
these aliens were quite vanished, as though they had béene phantasmes.
Their abiding here was nothing profitable to the subiects of the realme,
as they that were accustomed to attempt one shrewd turne vpon an others
necke, and thought it lawfull for them so to doo. Amongst them was a
great number of Flemings, whom the king hated more than the residue.

[Sidenote: William de Ypres.] By vertue also of this edict, William of
Ypres, whom king Stephan (as ye haue heard) had made earle of Kent, was
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