Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland (2 of 6): England (6 of 12) - Richard the First by Raphael Holinshed
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page 17 of 169 (10%)
_Matth. Paris._] appointed Hugh bishop of Durham to haue the rule of the
north parts as cheefe iustice from Humber northwards toward Scotland, deliuering vnto him also the keeping of Winchester castell: the residue of the kingdome (with the custodie of the towre) he assigned to the gouernance of William Longchampe bishop of Elie, [Sidenote: William LÅgchampe bishop of Elie.] whome he had made cheefe iustice of that part, and chancellour of the realme, a man of great diligence and knowledge in the administration of things, but verie factious and desirous of rule, honour and riches farre aboue all measure. And with these two he ioined in commission Hugh Bardulfe, William Marshall earle of Chepstow, or rather Penbrooke, Geffrey Fitz-Peter, & William Brewer, men of great honour, wisedome, and discretion. [Sidenote: _R. Houed._ King Richard passeth ouer in to Normandie.] On the fift day of December, he departed from Canturburie, and went to Douer, there to take water, and so on the eleuenth day of December he passed ouer vnto Calice, where he found Philip earle of Flanders readie to receiue him, who attended vpon him till he came into Normandie, [Sidenote: 1190.] where the king held his Christmas at Burun, [Sidenote: _Vadum sancti Remigij._ A league betwixt y^e kings of England and France.] and immediatlie came to an enteruiew with the French king at Gue S. Remige, where they concluded peace togither, to be kept betwixt them & their countries on ech part; the which was put in writing, and confirmed with their oths and seales in the feast of saint Hilarie. [Sidenote: _R. Houed._] Furthermore, about the purification of our ladie, Elianor the quéene mother, and the ladie Alice sister to the French king, Baldwine archbishop of Canturburie, John bishop of Norwhich, Hugh bishop of Durham, Geffrey bishop of Winchester, Reignold bishop of Bath, William Bishop of Elie, Hubert bishop of Salisburie, and |