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Scientific American Supplement, No. 443, June 28, 1884 by Various
page 2 of 107 (01%)

Phenol in the Stem, Leaves, and Cones of Pinus Sylvestris.
--A discovery bearing on the flora of the Carboniferous
epoch and the formation of petroleum. 7065

The School of Physics and Chemistry of Paris.--With
engraving of laboratory. 7065

Some Relations of Heat to Voltaic and Thermo Electric
Action of Metals in Electrolysis.--By G. GORE. 7070

Machine.--5 figures. 7071

A Gas Radiator and Heater. 7071

Concrete Water Pipes. 7071

The Sellers Standard System of Screw Threads. Nuts, and
Bolt Heads.--A table. 7072

An English Railway Ferry Boat.--3 figures. 7072

The Problem of Flight and the Flying Machine. 7072

III. TECHNICAL.--Concrete Buildings for Farms.--How to construct
them. 7063

What Causes Paint to Blister and Peel?--How to prevent it. 7063

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