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A Ryght Profytable Treatyse Compendiously Drawen Out Of Many and Dyvers Wrytynges Of Holy Men by Thomas Betson
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& vnspekable paynes ordeyned for synnes. The euerlastynge losse of
eternall glorye.

¶ Here foloweth a short remêbraûce for confessyon to al peple /
& in especyal to al religious folke.

Seldom shalt [thou] fynde tyme in all the yere in whiche [thou]
shalt not haue cause to shryue the of some of these folowynge /
that is to wete of hasty or neclygence saynge [the] seruyce of
god / or of lesynge of tyme / or els of vayne thought or of vndue
reuerence to god or to our lady or his saynt or to [the] other
[that] ben thy souerayns. Or in forgetynge god & his dayly
benefayt. & not thankyng h[ym] for his creacion & his redempcõn.
& [that] he gaf the [that] mynde to dyspose the better than other
ben [with] suche other. And also not thankynge h[ym] for thy dayly
sustenaunce / clothynge & helth of thy body & for remissyon of thy
synnes / for thyn enherytaûce of heuen [with] other Innumerable.
Also remêbre thy wode wordes or noysom / or els fals Iugementes in
thy mynde / or fals suspycõn. Also of ony mouynge to wrath or to
vayne heuynes or vayne gladnes. Also serche in thy mynde yf [thou]
haue well spended [the] daye & nyght without synne / as yf [thou]
haue prayed or rede to lytell with suche other. Also yf [thou]
haue past thy boûdes in wordes or in etynge or drynkynge /
slepynge or laughynge with suche other. Also remembre how [thou]
haste kepte the maundementes of thy souerayne / chastyte / pouerte
/ sylence in places & houres accordynge as [thou] art called for
to do. Also yf ony persone in worde sygne or dede [thou] haste
offended & gyuen ony cause or occasyon of greuaûce. Remembre also
yf [thou] hast ouerskypped in the seruyce of god ony wordes /
verses / or ony Inclynacyons & suche other. And of the wauerynge
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