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The Ladies' Vase - Polite Manual for Young Ladies by An American Lady
page 23 of 104 (22%)


It is a great mistake to suppose that exaggeration makes a person more
agreeable, or that it adds to the importance of her statements. The
value of a person's words is determined by her habitual use of them. "I
like it much," "It is well done," will mean as much in some mouths, as
"I am infinitely delighted with it," "'Tis the most exquisite thing I
ever saw," will in others. Such large abatements are necessarily made
for the statements of these romancers, that they really gain nothing in
the end, but find it difficult sometimes to gain credence for so much as
is really true; whereas, a person who is habitually sober and
discriminating in his use of language, will not only inspire confidence,
but be able to produce a fine effect by the occasional use of a

Fidelity and exactness are indispensable in a narrative, and the habit
of exaggerating destroys the power of accurate observation and
recollection which would render the story truly interesting. If, instead
of trying to embellish her account with the fruits of her imagination, a
young lady possessed the power of seizing upon the points best worth
describing, and could give an exact account of them, she would be far
more entertaining than any exaggeration could make her; for there is no
romance like that of real life, and no imaginings of an inexperienced
girl can equal in piquancy the scenes and characters that are every day
presented to our view. Extravagant expressions are sometimes resorted to
in order to atone for deficiencies of memory and observation; but they
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