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The Ladies' Vase - Polite Manual for Young Ladies by An American Lady
page 34 of 104 (32%)
applauded. What should prevent their assuming the systematic office of
instructors, when circumstances are favorable to such an arrangement.

By what method can a daughter more fully evince her gratitude to her
parents, than by aiding their children in the search of knowledge and of
goodness. How amiable, how praiseworthy, is that disposition which
prompts a young and beautiful creature to come forth as the ally of a
mother, in that most overwhelming of all anxieties, so to train her
little ones as to form at last an unbroken family in heaven. No better
apprenticeship could be devised, and no firmer hostage given to God or
man for its faithful performance.


Where burns the lov'd hearth brightest,
Cheering the social breast?
Where beats the fond heart lightest,
Its humble hopes possess'd?
Where is the smile of sadness,
Of meek-eyed patience born,
Worth more than those of gladness,
Which mirth's bright cheek adorn?
Pleasure is marked by fleetness,
To those who ever roam;
While grief itself has sweetness
At home! dear home!
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