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The Ladies' Vase - Polite Manual for Young Ladies by An American Lady
page 38 of 104 (36%)
half-obliterated portrait, and, in the attempt to have it cleaned and
restored, may have seen it fade away, while a brighter and more perfect
picture, painted beneath, is revealed to view. This portrait, first
drawn upon the canvas, is no inapt illustration of youth; and, though
it may be concealed by some after-design, still the original traits will
shine through the outward picture, giving it tone while fresh, and
surviving it in decay. Such is the fireside--the great institution
furnished by Providence for the education of man.



The prevalence of defective teeth in this country is the general subject
of remark by foreigners; and whoever has traveled in Spain and Portugal
is struck with the superior soundness and whiteness of teeth in those
countries. Though not a cleanly people in other respects, they wash
their teeth often, and, by means of toothpicks, carefully remove all
substances from between them after meals. A little silver porcupine,
with holes all over its back to insert toothpicks, is a common ornament
on the dining tables of Spain and Portugal. The general use of them
creates so large a demand, that students at Coimbra sometimes support
themselves by whittling toothpicks, which are sold tied in small bunches
like matches. They are made of willow, on account of its toughness and
pliability. Toothpicks of metal are too hard, and are apt to injure the
gums. There is the same objection, in a less degree, to quills. But
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