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The Ladies' Vase - Polite Manual for Young Ladies by An American Lady
page 41 of 104 (39%)

Like every other portion of the human frame, the use of _water_ to the
hair is absolutely essential to its health, as it tends to relieve the
secretions and open the pores of the skin. The frequency of the use of
water, however, should be guided by circumstances. It may be set down as
a regulating principle, that the stronger and more healthy the hair may
be, the more water may be used with propriety; by the same rule, when
the hair is weak and thin, it should not be washed more than once
a-week. At such times, _cold water_ alone should be used, when care
should be taken to dry it well immediately after. Washing too often,
dries up the requisite oily fluid that forms the nourishment of the

Some judgment is necessary in the choice of brushes. Two are necessary:
a penetrating and a polishing brush; the one composed of strong, and
the other of fine hair. The penetrating brush (especially that used by
ladies) should be made of elastic hairs, rather inclining to irregular
lengths. The other should be made of firm, soft, silken hair, thickly
studded. Unfortunately, however, we cannot but observe that penetrating
brushes are often selected, so harsh and strong, that they fret the skin
of the head, and injure the roots, instead of gently and gradually
effecting the object for which they were intended.

Combs are merely used for the purpose of giving a form to the hair, and
assisting in its decorative arrangement; to use them too often, is
rather prejudicial than otherwise, as they injure the roots of the hair.
Above all kinds, that of the small-toothed comb is the most injurious in
this respect, as it not only inflames the tender skin, but, from the
fineness of its teeth, splits and crushes the hairs in being passed
through them. Persons must indeed be of very uncleanly habits, whose
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