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gurre kamilaroi - Kamilaroi Sayings (1856) by William Ridley
page 10 of 14 (71%)
man, woman, boy, girl.
child, father, mother.
son, daughter.
brother, sister.

God verily sun, moon, stars, earth also made.

God always is good; God everything
sees, everything hears.

God verily every hill, plain, watercourse, tree,
grass, beran (a herb), pennyroyal made.

God verily horse, dog, kangaroo, opossum, goanna,
emu, native companion, cockatoo, swallow, pelican, parrot,
eagle, fish, brown‐snake, deadly‐black‐snake, flies, mosquitoes, all
animals made.

God verily man made; first man Adam. God
said, “Not good man alone for to dwell; I
for man woman will make.” Then God woman made; first
woman Eve; Eve wife of Adam.

Adam is father of the blackfellows, father of the whites, father of all:
Eve the mother of blacks, mother of whites, mother of all.

Adam, Eve also, astray went. All men
all women astray went, all bad became.
God angry became, he said “All men, all women,
astray are gone, all bad have become. I them dead
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