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Woman's Endurance by A. D (August D.) Luckhoff
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which these Sisters of ours have handed down to us and to all
posterity as their priceless legacy._

_In undertaking the responsibility for the publication of this
"Diary," I may simply state that the proceeds will be given towards
the support of the Orphanage at Bethulie._

_Yours, etc.,_
_Secretary, Boer Relief Committee_.


This Journal was written in the Bethulie Concentration Camp just two
years ago.

A few days after my return from Europe (whither I had gone for six
months on the completion of a Theological course at Stellenbosch), a
telegram came from the Deputy Administrator of the Orange River
Colony, through the Rev. Wm. Robertson, inviting me to work as
Chaplain in one of the Concentration Camps.

The Rev. Mr. Pienaar, who had received a similar invitation, and I
therefore journeyed down to Bloemfontein a few days later. We
received great courtesy at the hands of Sir Hamilton Gould-Adams, the
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