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Woman's Endurance by A. D (August D.) Luckhoff
page 4 of 121 (03%)
fortitude of the Dutch women and children, one of the nobler aspects
of the late war. And is not this plea enough? Cannot we sometimes
forget the inevitable political aspect of things and see beyond into
the human?

In conclusion, this: A diary is simply a confidential talk to one's
self of one's self--such is its prerogative. While, then, sending
forth into publicity this Journal in its entirety, so as not to mar
its integrity, need it be suggested how hard it is occasionally to
lay bare the naked soul within?

Cape Colony,
September, 1903.

* * * * *


As reproduced here, the Diary is substantially the same as the
original, except for:--

1. Contractions, which are written out.

2. Slang, for which, where it could be done, inoffensive words are

In form it is given absolutely unchanged.

I have found it necessary to add a number of notes, and to translate
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