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Lives of the Three Mrs. Judsons by Arabella W. Stuart
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Among the many benefits which modern missions have conferred on the
world, not the least, perhaps, is the field they have afforded for the
development of the highest excellence of female character. The limited
range of avocations allotted to woman, and her consequent inability to
gain an elevated rank in the higher walks of life, has been a theme of
complaint with many modern reformers, especially with the party who are
loud in their advocacy of woman's rights. That few of the sex have risen
to eminence in any path but that of literature, is too well known to
admit of denial, and might be proved by the scantiness of _female_
biography. How few of the memoirs and biographical sketches which load
the shelves of our libraries, record the lives of women!

The missionary enterprise opens to woman a sphere of activity,
usefulness and distinction, not, under the present constitution of
society, to be found elsewhere. Here she may exhibit whatever she
possesses of skill in the mastery of unknown and difficult dialects; of
tact in dealing with the varieties of human character; of ardor and
perseverance in the pursuit of a noble end under the most trying
discouragements; and of exalted Christian heroism and fortitude, that
braves appalling dangers, and even death in its most dreadful forms, in
its affectionate devotion to earthly friends, and the service of a
Heavenly Master. Compared with the true independence, the noble energy,
the almost superhuman intrepidity of the Mrs. Judsons, how weak and
despicable seem the struggles of many misguided women in our day, who
seek to gain a reluctant acknowledgment of equality with the other sex,
by a noisy assertion of their rights, and in some instances, by an
imitation of their attire! Who would not turn from a female advocate at
the bar, or judge upon the bench, surrounded by the usual scenes of a
court-house, even if she filled these offices with ability and talent,
to render honor rather to her, who laying on the altar of sacrifice
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