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A Handbook for Latin Clubs by Susan Paxson
page 2 of 172 (01%)

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The Latin Club in secondary schools is the result of the incessant
demand that our Latin instruction must be vivified. Many teachers feel
the need of supplementary work in their Latin teaching, but they have
been handicapped because of a lack of material as well as a lack of
time. This is especially true of the teacher in the small town. To help
meet this demand is the purpose of this book.

The programs have purposely been made too long for one session in order
that the teacher may have some choice in selection, and that, in case
all references are not accessible, enough may be secured to insure a
reasonably varied program.

I would suggest that the Club purchase as many Perry pictures and Berlin
photographs of classical subjects as possible and that its members
coƶperate with the city library board for the purchase of such books
as are essential, in case there is no school fund available for this
purpose. Some high school alumnus in whose heart there is appreciation
of Rome's gift to us might present a book to his Alma Mater. Another
might offer some suitable magazines, properly bound.

Of a Latin Club, as of most school work, it may be said that _usus est
optimus magister_, and especially applicable in this connection are the
words of Horace: _Dimidium facti, qui coepit_.
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