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Joan of Arc by Ronald Sutherland Gower
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My mother had what the French call a _culte_ for the heroine whose
life I have attempted to write in the following pages.

It was but natural that one who loved and admired all that is good and
beautiful and high-minded should have a strong feeling of admiration
for the memory of Joan of Arc. On the pedestal of the bronze statue,
which my mother placed in her house at Cliveden, are inscribed those
words which sum up the life and career of the Maid of Orleans:--

'_La grande pitiƩ qu'il y avait au royaume de France._'

Thinking that could my mother have read the following pages she would
have approved the feeling which prompted me to write them, I inscribe
this little book to her beloved memory.



_November 29._


The authors whose works I have chiefly used in writing this Life of
Joan of Arc, are--first, Quicherat, who was the first to publish at
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