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Our Legal Heritage by S. A. Reilly
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helping to understand the process of civilization and development
of the law in the nation of England.

The last section of each chapter: Judicial Procedure, describes
the process of applying the law and trying cases for the relevant
time period. It also contains some examples of cases.

For clarity and easy comparison, amounts of money expressed in
pounds or marks have been converted to the smaller denominations
of shillings and pence. There are twenty shillings in a pound. A
mark is two thirds of a pound.

The sources and reference books from which information was
obtained are listed in the bibliography instead of being
contained in tedious footnotes.


A Vassar College faculty member once dedicated her book to her
students, but for whom it would have been written much earlier.
This book "Our Legal Heritage" is dedicated to the faculty of
Vassar College, without whom it would never have been written.

Table of Contents

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