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Scientific American Supplement, No. 611, September 17, 1887 by Various
page 2 of 143 (01%)
the French pioneer inventor of gas lighting, with notes on
the recent inauguration of his statue.--1 illustration. 9757

II. CHEMISTRY.--The Analysis of Urine.--An elaborate investigation
of the method of analyzing chemically and microscopically
this fluid, with illustrations of the apparatus employed.--4
illustrations 9758

III. ELECTRICITY.--Electrical Alarm for Pharmacists.--An apparatus
for indicating to the pharmacist when he removes from the
shelf a bottle containing poison.--2 illustrations. 9753

Electric Steel Railways.--By GEORGE W. MANSFIELD.--A full
discussion of the problem of electric railways; comparison
with horse and cable traction. 9752

IV. ENGINEERING.--Improved Oscillating Hydraulic Motor.--A
small motor for household use, as for driving sewing machines
and other domestic machinery.--8 illustrations. 9751

The Ceara Harbor Works.--A remarkable engineering work now
in progress in Brazil; the formation of an artificial
harbor.--4 illustrations. 9752

V. GEOLOGY.--Notes of a Recent Visit to Some of the
Petroleum-Producing Territories of the United States and
Canada.--By BOVERTON REDWOOD, F.I.C., F.C.S.--The second
portion of this valuable paper, treating more particularly
of Canadian petroleum. 9765

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