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English-Esperanto Dictionary by Charles Frederic Hayes;John Charles O'Connor
page 26 of 476 (05%)
Aloes = aloo.
Aloft = supre.
Alone = sola (adj.), sole (adv.).
Along with = kune kun.
Aloof, to keep = eviti.
Aloud = laÅ­te.
Alphabet = alfabeto.
Alps = Alpoj.
Already = jam.
Also = ankaÅ­.
Altar = altaro.
Alter = aliigi.
Alteration = aliigo.
Altercation = malpaco.
Alternate = alterni.
Alternative = elekteco.
Althea = alteo.
Although = kvankam.
Altitude = alto.
Alto = aldo.
Altogether = tute.
Alum = aluno.
Always = ĉiam.
Amalgam = amalgamo.
Amalgamate = unuigi.
Amalgamation = unuigo.
Amanuensis = skribisto.
Amass = amasigi.
Amateur = nemetiisto.
Amaze = miregigi.
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