English-Esperanto Dictionary by Charles Frederic Hayes;John Charles O'Connor
page 41 of 476 (08%)
page 41 of 476 (08%)
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Attract (entice) = logi.
Attraction = logaĵo. Attractive = Äarma. Attribute (v.) = aligi al. Attribute (quality) = eco. Auction = aÅkcia vendo. Audacious = maltimega. Audacity = maltimego. Audible (adj.) = aÅdebla. Audience (interview) = aÅdienco. Audience (congregation) = aÅditorio. Audit = kontekzameni. Auditorium = aÅskultejo. Auger = borilego. Aught (anything) = io. Augment = plimultigi, pliigi. August (month) = AÅgusto. August = nobla. Aunt = onklino. Aureola = aÅreolo. Au revoir = Äis revido. Auriferous = orhava. Auscultate = subaÅskulti. Auspices = aÅspicioj. Auspicious = favora. Austere = severmora. Austerely = severmore. Austerity = severmoreco. Australia = AÅstralio. Austrian = AÅstro. |