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English-Esperanto Dictionary by Charles Frederic Hayes;John Charles O'Connor
page 43 of 476 (09%)
Award = aljuĝi.
Aware, to be = scii.
Away! = for!
Away = malproksime.
Awe = teruro, timego.
Awful = terura.
Awkward = mallerta, malgracia.
Awl = borileto.
Awning = sunŝirmilego.
Awry = malrekta.
Axe = hakilo.
Axis = akso.
Axle = akso.
Axle-tree = akso.
Axiom = aksiomo.
Ay (yes) = jes.
Aye (always) = ĉiam.
Azote = azoto.
Azure = lazuro.

= B =

Babble = babili.
Babe = infaneto.
Baboon = paviano.
Baby = infaneto.
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