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The Discipline of War - Nine Addresses on the Lessons of the War in Connection with Lent by John Hasloch Potter
page 3 of 82 (03%)
My dear Canon,--

You have invited me to say a few words introductory to the little book
you are putting forth, and of which you have sent me the advance proofs.

From the great excellence of that which I have read, I am convinced
that your Lenten meditations on the Discipline of War, will be of
pre-eminently spiritual value in a time when publications on the
subject are multiplied. That the war is to leave us on a higher
plane of self-discipline, and with higher ideals of citizen life and
responsibility, every Christian must acknowledge. Your little Lenten
scheme is just that which is needed to give reality and action to what
might otherwise be left in the realm of theory. May the Holy Spirit make
use of your work to the benefit of us all and for the Glory of God.

Your sincere friend,




The Discipline of the Will 1
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