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The Submarine Boys for the Flag - Deeding Their Lives to Uncle Sam by Victor G. Durham
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As there was only one other man in the office, that other man guessed that
he might be the one addressed.

With a slight German accent the stranger, who was well-dressed, and
looked like a prosperous as well as an educated man, turned and demanded:

"You are calling me?"

"I reckon," nodded Jabez.

"Then my name is Herr Professor--"

"Hair professor?" repeated Jabez Holt, a bit of astonishment showing in
his wrinkled old face. "Hair professor? Barber, eh? Why, I thought you
was a traveler. But hurry up over here--do you hear me?"

"My good man," began the German, stiffly, drawing himself up to his full
six-foot-one, "it is not often I am affronted by being addressed so--"

"There! He'll be outer sight in another minute, while you are arguin'
about your dignity!" muttered Holt. "And that's the feller you said you
wanted to see--Jack Benson."

"Benson?" cried the German, forgetting his outraged dignity and springing
forward. "Benson?"

"That's him--almost up to the corner," nodded Landlord Jabez Holt.

"Run out and bring him back with you," directed Herr Professor Radberg.
"Be quick!"
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