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New Grub Street by George Gissing
page 104 of 809 (12%)

He left his hat and stick in the passage, came into the study,
and glanced about as if he expected to see some change since he
was last here, three weeks ago.

'So you have been enjoying yourself?' said Amy as, after
listening for a moment at the door, she took a seat.

'Oh, a little freshening of the faculties. But whose acquaintance
do you think I have made?'

'Down there?'

'Yes. Your uncle Alfred and his daughter were staying at John
Yule's, and I saw something of them. I was invited to the house.'

'Did you speak of us?'

'To Miss Yule only. I happened to meet her on a walk, and in a
blundering way I mentioned Reardon's name. But of course it
didn't matter in the least. She inquired about you with a good
deal of interest--asked if you were as beautiful as you promised
to be years ago.'

Amy laughed.

'Doesn't that proceed from your fertile invention, Mr Milvain?'

'Not a bit of it! By-the-bye, what would be your natural question
concerning her? Do you think she gave promise of good looks?'
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