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New Grub Street by George Gissing
page 106 of 809 (13%)
'I suppose Marian mentioned your acquaintance with this branch of
the family?'

'I think not. At all events, she promised me she wouldn't.'

Amy looked at him inquiringly, in a puzzled way.

'She promised you?'

'Voluntarily. We got rather sympathetic. Your uncle--Alfred, I
mean--is a remarkable man; but I think he regarded me as a youth
of no particular importance. Well, how do things go?'

Amy shook her head.

'No progress?'

'None whatever. He can't work; I begin to be afraid that he is
really ill. He must go away before the fine weather is over. Do
persuade him to-night! I wish you could have had a holiday with

'Out of the question now, I'm sorry to say. I must work savagely.
But can't you all manage a fortnight somewhere--Hastings,

'It would be simply rash. One goes on saying, "What does a pound
or two matter?"--but it begins at length to matter a great deal.'

'I know, confound it all! Think how it would amuse some rich
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