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New Grub Street by George Gissing
page 46 of 809 (05%)
'I wish I could see any chance of his being estimated at his
right value. It's very hard to say what is before him.'

'I knew my cousin Amy when we were children,' said Marian,
presently. 'She gave promise of beauty.'

'Yes, she is beautiful.'

'And--the kind of woman to be of help to such a husband?'

'I hardly know how to answer, Miss Yule,' said Jasper, looking
frankly at her. 'Perhaps I had better say that it's unfortunate
they are poor.'

Marian cast down her eyes.

'To whom isn't it a misfortune?' pursued her companion. 'Poverty
is the root of all social ills; its existence accounts even for
the ills that arise from wealth. The poor man is a man labouring
in fetters. I declare there is no word in our language which
sounds so hideous to me as "Poverty."'

Shortly after this they came to the bridge over the railway line.
Jasper looked at his watch.

'Will you indulge me in a piece of childishness?' he said. 'In
less than five minutes a London express goes by; I have often
watched it here, and it amuses me. Would it weary you to wait?'

'I should like to,' she replied with a laugh.
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