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Mother Stories from the Old Testament - A Book of the Best Stories from the Old Testament that Mothers can tell their Children by Anonymous
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saw him; but God knew it all. Achan's sin was the cause of Israel's
defeat! God showed Joshua how the man who had done the wickedness was
to be discovered. Each tribe was to be brought before God, then each
family of the tribe He chose, then each household of the family taken,
and lastly each man of the family chosen. Finally, Achan was pointed
out by God. Joshua bade him confess what he had done, and he said that
he had taken the Babylonish garment and the gold and silver.

Messengers were sent to his tent, who brought what Achan had hidden;
and he, with his sons and daughters, his cattle, and all that he had,
and the garment, silver, and gold, were taken to a valley near by,
where the people stoned them, and burned them with fire; and then
raised over all a great heap of stones, which remained as a memorial
to warn others against sinning as Achan had done.


* * * * *


Before Moses died he called the Israelites together, and urged them to
faithfully serve God; also directing that when they entered Canaan,
they were to build an altar of rough stones, covered with plaster, on
Mount Ebal, and to write the words of God's law upon this altar. Then
six of the tribes were to stand on Mount Gerizim, and six on Mount
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