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Mother Stories from the Old Testament - A Book of the Best Stories from the Old Testament that Mothers can tell their Children by Anonymous
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The Midianites heard the trumpets' blast and the cry, and saw the
lights. They were thrown into confusion, and one fought against
another; then they fled, and were pursued by the Israelites, great
numbers of whom gathered together and followed after their flying
enemies. Thus the Midianites were overcome, and Israel had peace
during the lifetime of Gideon.



Samson's birth was foretold by an angel. He was to grow up a Nazarite,
forbidden to drink strong drink, neither was his head to be shaved.
His strength was very great; but his marriage was sinful, and his
doings with the idolatrous Philistines terrible. Though an Israelite
and a judge, I fear much he sinned greatly against God. On one
occasion he went to Gaza, a city of the Philistines. The inhabitants
tried to take him, but he arose at midnight and carried away the gates
of their city. In our picture though he looks so strong, yet we see
chains on his legs, and he is blind! How came he to lose his sight and
be made a prisoner? I think it was owing to his sin and folly.

He became acquainted with a wicked woman, who enticed him to tell her
in what his great strength lay. Three times he told her falsely, but
at last he said that if the flowing locks of his hair were removed his
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