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The Black Box by E. Phillips (Edward Phillips) Oppenheim
page 66 of 451 (14%)
with my assistant, if you please."

For almost a quarter of an hour, Quest and Lenora disappeared. They all
looked eagerly at the criminologist on his return, but his face was
sphinxlike. He turned to Mrs. Rheinholdt, who with her son, the butler,
and the Professor were the only occupants of the conservatory.

"It seems to me," he remarked, "that from the back part of the house the
quickest way to reach Mayton Avenue would be through this conservatory and
out of that door. There is a path leading from just outside straight to a
gate in the wall. Does any one that you know of use this means of exit?"

Mrs. Rheinholdt shook her head.

"The servants might occasionally," she remarked doubtfully, "but not on
nights when I am receiving."

The butler stepped forward. He was looking a little grave.

"I ought, perhaps, to inform you, madam, and Mr. Quest," he said, "that I
did, only a short time ago, suggest to the Professor's servant--the man
who brought your mackintosh, sir," he added, turning to the
Professor--"that he could, if he chose, make use of this means of leaving
the house. Mr. Craig is a personal friend of mine, and a member of a very
select little club we have for social purposes."

"Did he follow your suggestion?" Sanford Quest asked.

"Of that I am not aware, sir," the butler replied. "I left Mr. Craig with
some refreshment, expecting that he would remain until my return, but a
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