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The Black Box by E. Phillips (Edward Phillips) Oppenheim
page 70 of 451 (15%)
servant stood hesitating.

"Come and tell us your sins," she called out. "Come and have them
forgiven. Come and start a new life in a new world. There is no one here
who thinks of the past. Come and seek forgiveness."

For a moment this waif from the rain-swamped world hesitated. The light of
an infinite desire flashed in his eyes. Then he dropped his head. These
things might be for others. For him there was no hope. He shook his head
to the girl but sank into the nearest seat and on to his knees.

"He repents!" the girl called out. "Some day he will come! Brothers and
sisters, we will pray for him."

The rain dashed against the windows. The only other sound from outside was
the clanging of the street cars. The girl's voice, frenzied, exhorting,
almost hysterical, pealed out to the roof. At every pause, the little
gathering of men and women groaned in sympathy. The man's frame was shaken
with sobs.




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