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The Black Box by E. Phillips (Edward Phillips) Oppenheim
page 78 of 451 (17%)
as his fingers played with the lid.

"Yes, that will do very nicely," he decided. "Put me down--'Black Box,'
five hundred dollars."

The girl took out her book and began to write. The Professor, with a
little farewell bow, crossed the room towards Quest. Lenora moved towards
the door.

"Let me see you out," she said to the girl pleasantly. "Don't you find
this collecting sometimes very hard work?"

"Days like to-day," the girl replied, "atone for everything. When I think
of the good that five hundred dollars will do, I feel perfectly happy."

Lenora opened the door. Both girls started. Only a few feet away Craig was
standing, his head a little thrust forward. For a moment the quiet
self-respect of his manner seemed to have deserted him. He seemed at a
loss for words.

"What do you want?" Lenora demanded.

Craig hesitated. His eyes were fixed upon the Salvation Army girl. The
changes in his face were remarkable. She, however, beyond smiling
pleasantly at him, gave no sign of any recognition.

"I was waiting for my master," Craig explained.

"Why not downstairs?" Lenora asked suspiciously. "You did not come up with
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