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The Black Box by E. Phillips (Edward Phillips) Oppenheim
page 81 of 451 (17%)
"He did leave by it," Lenora declared. "He is in a state of panic at the
present moment. What else do you suppose he was out there listening for?"

"The Professor speaks very highly of him," Quest reminded her.

"The Professor is just one of those amiable old idiots, absorbed in his
mouldy old work, who would never notice anything," Lenora persisted. "He
is just the man to be completely hoodwinked by a clever servant."

"There is some sense in what the kid says," Laura remarked, strolling up.
"The fact remains that Craig was one of the few men who could have got at
the necklace that night, and he is also one of the few who knew about the

Quest sighed as he lit a cigar.

"It is a miserably obvious solution," he said. "To tell you the truth,
girls, our friend Inspector French has had his men watching Craig ever
since the night of the robbery. What's that? Answer the telephone,

Lenora obeyed.

"It's Inspector French," she announced. "He wants to speak to you."

Quest nodded, and held out his hand for the receiver.

"Hullo, French," he exclaimed. "Anything fresh?"

"Nothing much!" was the answer. "One of my men, though, who has been up
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