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The Black Box by E. Phillips (Edward Phillips) Oppenheim
page 84 of 451 (18%)
"Didn't the butler at Mrs. Rheinholdt's say that Craig belonged to a
servants' club up town? I know the place well. Let me go and see if I
can't join and pick up a little information about the man. He must have a
night out sometimes. Let's find out what he does. How's that?"

"Capital!" Quest agreed. "Get along, Laura. And you, Lenora," he added,
"put on your hat. We'll take a ride towards Mayton Avenue."


The exact spot where the bone of the missing skeleton was discovered, was
easily located. It was about twenty yards from a gate which led into the
back part of the Professor's grounds. The neighbourhood was dreary in the
extreme. There were half-finished houses, little piles of building
materials, heaps of stones, a watchman's shed, and all the dreary
paraphernalia of an abandoned building enterprise. Quest wasted very
little time before arriving at a decision.

"The discovery of the bone so near the Professor's house," he decided,
"cannot be coincidence only. We will waste no time out here, Lenora. We
will search the grounds. Come on."

They advanced towards the gate but found it locked. The wall was unusually
high as though to obscure a view of anything that lay on the other side.
Quest noticed with interest that, in places where it had shown signs of
crumbling away, it had been repaired. He contemplated the lock
thoughtfully and drew a little instrument from his pocket, an instrument
which had the appearance of a many-sided key.

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