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The Black Box by E. Phillips (Edward Phillips) Oppenheim
page 96 of 451 (21%)
They were greeted, as they entered Quest's room, by a familiar little
ticking. Quest smiled with pleasure.

"It's the pocket wireless," he declared. "Let me take down the message."

He spelt it out to Lenora, who stood by his side:

"Have joined Servants' Club disguised as your butler. Craig
frequent visitor here ten years ago, comes now occasionally.
Thursday evenings most likely time. Shall wait here on chance of
seeing him."

"Good girl, that," Quest remarked. "She's a rare sticker, too."

He turned away from the instrument and was crossing the room towards his
cigar cabinet. Suddenly he stopped. He looked intently towards the

"What is it?" Lenora asked.

He did not answer. She followed the direction of his gaze. Exactly in the
same spot as before reposed another but somewhat larger black box, of the
same shape and material as the previous one.

"Say, who put that there?" he demanded.

Lenora shook her head.

"I locked the door when we went out," she assured him.

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