The Botanical Magazine, Vol. 1 - Or, Flower-Garden Displayed by William Curtis
page 14 of 63 (22%)
page 14 of 63 (22%)
CYNOGLOSSUM Omphalodes repens, foliis radicalibus cordatis[B], _Lin. Sp. Pl. p._ 193. _Syst. Vegetab. p._ 157. _Scopoli Fl. Carn. p._ 124. _t._ 3. SYMPHYTUM minus borraginis facie. _Bauh. Pin._ 259. BORAGO minor verna repens, folio lævi. _Moris. hist._ 3. _p._ 437. _s._ 11, _t._ 26. _fig._ 3. [Illustration: No. 7] A native of Spain, Portugal, and Carniola, and an inhabitant of woods and shady situations, flowers in March and April: in the autumn it puts forth trailing shoots, which take root at the joints, whereby the plant is most plentifully propagated; thrives best under a wall in a North border. [Footnote B: "Stolones repunt non caulis florifer, cui folia ovalia, et minime cordata. TOURNEFORTIUS separavit a SYMPHITO, et dixit OMPHALLODEM _pumilam vernam, symphyti folio_, sed bene monet LINNÆUS solam fructus asperitatem aut glabritiem, non sufficere ad novum genus construendum." _Scopoli Fl. Carn. p._ 124.] [8] ~Helleborus Niger. Black Hellebore, or Christmas Rose.~ |