The Botanical Magazine, Vol. 1 - Or, Flower-Garden Displayed by William Curtis
page 9 of 63 (14%)
page 9 of 63 (14%)
~Pentandria Monogynia.~ _Generic Character._ Corolla rotata, reflexa, tubo brevissimo fauce prominente. Bacca tecta capsula. _Specific Character and Synonyms._ CYCLAMEN _Coum_ foliis orbiculatis planis, pediculis brevibus, floribus minoribus. _Miller's Dict._ CYCLAMEN hyemale orbiculatis foliis inferius rubentibus purpurascente flore; Coum Herbariorum. _Hort. reg. Paris._ _Herm. Cat._ CYCLAMEN orbiculato folio inferne purpurascente. _Bauh. Pin. p._ 307. The common round-leav'd Sowebread. _Park. Parad. p._ 198. [Illustration: No. 4] Grows wild in many parts of Italy and Germany, and is sometimes found with white flowers; if the season be mild, or the plants sheltered from the inclemency of the weather, this species will flower as early as February, or much earlier by artificial heat. As it grows naturally in woods and shady places, it will thrive best in a mixture of bog-earth and loam placed in a north border; if planted in the open border, it will require to be covered with a hand-glass during |