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Angel Agnes - The Heroine of the Yellow Fever Plague in Shreveport by Charles Wesley Alexander
page 52 of 53 (98%)
Mary, who writes this for me, will see that I am buried beside George,
and mother, this is the great wish of my heart--that if possible, at
some time you will bring our bodies both home and bury us in one
grave. I forgive Sophia the wrong she did me and George freely from my
soul. Sister Mary has a kiss I gave her for you.

Pray do not grieve for me that I am thus passing away; but, in the
future, always be comforted with the knowledge that I shall be waiting
with papa and the others, at heaven's gate, to greet you home when you
follow us from earth.

I would have so much liked to see you, mother dear, before I died; but
it has been ordained otherwise, and God does all things well.

Give my love to all my acquaintances and tell them I thought of all
when dying; and my Bible class scholars, I do not know what to ask you
to say to them. Try and tell them how deeply I love them, and how I
wish to meet them all around the great white throne on high.

And now, mother, you who are dearer to me than all other earthly
treasures, to you I must say--good-by, till we meet again in heaven.

Ever your own loving

[Illustration: "Dear little darling!" said Anges, tenderly, pressing
the infant against her bosom.]
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