A Treatise of Witchcraft by Alexander Roberts
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page 10 of 100 (10%)
[Footnote d: _Lactantius de origine erroris. lib. 2. cap. 17_. And citeth the testimony of _Sibilla Erithræa_ for proofe hereof. _Gratianus Decretorum part. 2. causa 26 quæst. 2. Canone sine saluatore, & inuentas esse has artes_ +pros ap..ên eleeinôn anthrôpôn tôn rhadiôs hupokleptomenôn eis tauta hupo tou diabolou.+ _affirmat Cedrenus in historiæ compendio._] [Footnote e: _Probationes ex quibus legitim[~u] est Iudicia fieri, tres necessariæ planè dici & indubitatæ possunt 1ª veritas notorij & permanentia facti. 2ª confessio voluntaria eius qui reus factus est, atque peractus. 3ª certorum testium firmorumque testimonium: his & 4ª addi potest violentæ præsumptiones de Rodinus de D[e,]monomania lib. 4. cap. 2.3.4._] [Footnote f: The Oracles of the Pagans in all places of the world, wh[~e] CHRIST was borne, were silenced, and the Diuell became mute: so that _Augustus C[e,]sar_ demanding of _Apollo_ by his messengers, sent to _Delphos_, had this answer returned, +pais hebraios keletai+ &c. in sence thus much, _An Hebrue Childe commandeth me to leaue this place, and returne againe to hell._ From hence therefore you must depart from our Altars, without resolution of any questions propounded. _Eusebius de præparatione Euangelica, lib. 5. cap. 8. Theodoretus de Græcorum affectionum curatione qui est de oraculis +meta tên tou sôtêros hêmôn epiphaneian apedrasan hoi tênde tên exapatên tois anthrôpois prospherontes+, Vide & Suidam in Augusto, & Athanasium de incarnatione verbi._] [Footnote g: _De hac ligatione & solutione Diaboli plenissimè |