A Treatise of Witchcraft by Alexander Roberts
page 18 of 100 (18%)
page 18 of 100 (18%)
fuit æqua potestas._]
[Footnote t: +kathaper empsuchou sômatos tôn spheôn exairetheisôn akreionas to holon: houtôs ex historias ean arês tên alêtheian, to kataloipomenon autês, anateles gignetai diêgêma+ _Polib. historiarum lib. 12._] [Footnote u: _Timaus_ +Kaionos idiotês eutheia+.] [Footnote x: _Tacitus Annal. lib. 2._] [Footnote y: _Idem annal. lib. 12 & 13 & Suetonius in Claudio c. 33._] [Footnote z: _Plutarchus in Mario._] [Footnote aa: _Apuleius._] [Footnote bb: _Munsterus Cosmographiæ lib. 2._] [Footnote cc: _Remigius_, a iudge in these cases reporteth of 900 executed in Lorayne for this offence of Witch-craft in the time of his gouernement.] [Footnote dd: _Lutherus in Genesin._] Againe, the policie of all States[ee] haue prouided for the rooting out of these poysonfull Weedes, and cutting of these rotten and infected members; and therefore infallibly prouing their existence and being: for all[ff] penall lawes looke to matters of fact and are made to punish for |