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The Haunted Hour - An Anthology by Various
page 114 of 244 (46%)
With sudden crow--and off he went
Like fowling piece at cock!


_A Pathetic Ballad_

'Twas in the middle of the night,
To sleep young William tried,
When Mary's ghost came stealing in,
And stood at his bedside.

"O William dear! O William dear!
My rest eternal ceases;
Alas! my everlasting peace
Is broken into pieces.

"I thought the last of all my cares
Would end with my last minute;
But though I went to my long home
I didn't stay long in it.

"The body-snatchers they have come
And made a snatch at me;
It's very hard them kind of men
Won't let a body be!

"You thought that I was buried deep,
Quite decent-like and chary,
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