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The Haunted Hour - An Anthology by Various
page 33 of 244 (13%)
And I will keep thee warm!"

_That is long ago, mother,_
_Long and long ago!_
_Shall I grow warm who lay three nights_
_Beneath the winter snow?_

* * * * *

"Hast thou not heard the old nurse weep?
She sings to us no more;
And thy brothers leave the broken toys
And whisper in the door."

_That is far away, mother,_
_Far and far away!_
_Above my head the stone is white._
_My hands forget to play._

* * * * *

"What wilt thou then, my little dead child,
Since here thou may'st not lie?
Ah, me! that snow should be thy sheet,
And winds thy lullaby!"

_Down within my grave, mother,_
_I heard, I know not how,_
_"Go up to God, thou little child,_
_Go up and meet him now!"_
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