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The Haunted Hour - An Anthology by Various
page 7 of 244 (02%)
The Riders _Katherine Tynan_ 52
The White Comrade _Robert Haven Schauffler_ 53
Ghosts of the Argonne _Grantland Rice_ 56
November Eleventh _Ruth Comfort Mitchell_ 57


The Flying Dutchman _Charles Godfrey Leland_ 61
The Phantom Ship _Henry Wadsworth Longfellow_ 61
The Phantom Light of the
Baie des Chaleurs _Arthur Wentworth Hamilton Eaton_ 63
The Sands of Dee _Charles Kingsley_ 65
The Lake of the Dismal
Swamp _Thomas Moore_ 66
The Flying Dutchman of the
Tappan Zee _Arthur Guiterman_ 68
The White Ships and the
Red _Joyce Kilmer_ 70
Featherstone's Doom _Robert Stephen Hawker_ 73
Sea-Ghosts _May Byron_ 74
Fog Wraiths _Mildred Howells_ 76


Cape Horn Gospel _John Masefield_ 79
Legend of Hamilton Tighe _Richard Harris Barham_ 80
The Supper Superstition _Thomas Hood_ 84
The Ingoldsby Penance _Richard Harris Barham_ 87
Pompey's Ghost _Thomas Hood_ 103
The Ghost _Thomas Hood_ 107
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