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The Haunted Hour - An Anthology by Various
page 83 of 244 (34%)
Which the bum-boat woman brought out to Spithead--
Still, since the good ship sail'd away,
He reads that letter three times a-day;
Yet the writing is broad and fair to see
As a Skipper may read in his degree,
And the seal is as black, and as broad, and as flat,
As his own cockade in his own cock'd hat:
He reads, and he says, as he walks to and fro,
"Curse the old woman--she bothers me so!"

He pauses now, for the topmen hail--
"On the larboard quarter a sail! a sail!"
That grim old Captain he turns him quick,
And bawls through his trumpet for Hairy-faced Dick.
"The breeze is blowing--huzza! huzza!
The breeze is blowing--away! away!
The breeze is blowing--a race! a race!
The breeze is blowing--we near the chase!
Blood will flow, and bullets will fly,--
Oh, where will be then young Hamilton Tighe?"

--"On the foeman's deck, where a man should be,
With his sword in his hand, and his foe at his knee.
Cockswain, or boatswain, or reefer may try,
But the first man on board will be Hamilton Tighe!"

* * * * *

Hairy-faced Dick hath a swarthy hue,
Between a gingerbread-nut and a Jew,
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