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The Haunted Hour - An Anthology by Various
page 87 of 244 (35%)
May say what they please, and may do what they can;
But one things seems remarkably clear,--
They may die to-morrow, or live till next year,--
But wherever they live, or whenever they die,
They'll never get quit of young Hamilton Tighe!


_A Pathetic Ballad_

"Oh flesh, flesh, how art thou fishified!"--_Mercutio._

'Twas twelve o'clock by the Chelsea chimes,
When all in a hungry trim,
Good Mr. Jupp sat down to sup
With wife, and Kate and Jim.

Said he, "Upon this dainty cod
How bravely I shall sup"--
When, whiter than the tablecloth,
A ghost came rising up!

"O father dear, O mother dear,
Dear Kate, and brother Jim--
You know when some one went to sea--
Don't cry--but I am him!

"You hope some day with fond embrace
To greet your lonesome Jack,
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