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The Haunted Hour - An Anthology by Various
page 91 of 244 (37%)
There they be lying on Ascalon lea!"

Out and spake Sir Ingoldsby Bray,
"What news? What news? Come tell to me!
What news? what news, thou little Foot-page?--
I've been whacking the foe till it seems an age
Since I was in Ingoldsby Hall so free!
What news? what news from Ingoldsby Hall?
Come tell me now, thou page so small!"

"O, Hawk and Hound Are safe and sound,
Beast in byre and Steed in stall;
And the Watch-dog's bark, As soon as it's dark
Bays wakeful guard around Ingoldsby Hall!"

--"I care not a pound For Hawk or for Hound
For Steed in stall or for Watch-dog's bay.
Fain would I hear Of my dainty dear;
How fares Dame Alice, my Lady gay?"--
Sir Ingoldsby Bray, he said in his rage,
"What news? what news? thou naughty Foot-page."

The little Foot-page full low crouch'd he,
And he doff'd his cap, and he bended his knee,
"Now lithe and listen, Sir Bray, to me:
Lady Alice sits lonely in bower and hall,
Her sighs they rise, and her tears they fall.
She sits alone, And she makes her moan;
Dance and song, She considers quite wrong;
Feast and revel Mere snares of the devil;
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