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Added Upon - A Story by Nephi Anderson
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in this stage of your development where a change must needs take place.
Living, as ye have, all this time in the presence of God, and under the
control of the agencies which here exist, ye have grown from children in
knowledge to your present condition. God is pleased with you--the most
of you, and many of you have shown yourselves to be spirits of power,
whom He will make His future rulers. Ye have been taught many of the
laws of light and life, whereby the universe is created and controlled.
True, ye have not all advanced alike, or along the same lines. Some have
delighted more in the harmonies of music, while others have studied the
beauties of God's surrounding works. Each hath found pleasure and profit
in something; but there is one line of knowledge that is closed to you
all. In your present spiritual state, ye have not come in contact with
the grosser materials of existence. Your experiences have been wholly
within the compass of spiritual life, and there is a whole world of
matter, about which ye know nothing. All things have their opposites. Ye
have partly a conception of good and evil, but the many branches into
which these two principles sub-divide, cannot be understood by you.
Again, ye all have had the hope given you that at some time ye would
have the opportunity to become like unto your parents, even to attain to
a body of flesh and bones, a tabernacle with which ye may pass on to
perfection, and inherit that which God inherits. If, then, ye ever
become creators and rulers, ye must first become acquainted with the
existence of properties, laws, and organization of matter other than
that which surround you in this estate.

"To be over all things, ye must have passed through all things, and have
had experience with them. It is now the Father's pleasure to grant you
this. Ye who continue steadfast, shall be added upon, and be permitted
to enter the second estate; and if ye abide in that, ye shall be further
increased and enlarged and be worthy of the third estate, where glory
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