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A People's Man by E. Phillips (Edward Phillips) Oppenheim
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"Put them away!" Aaron Thurnbrein cried. "Soon you and I will be needed
no more. A greater than we have known is here--here in London!"

The older man looked up, for a moment, as though puzzled. Then a light
broke suddenly across his face, a light which seemed somehow to become
reflected in the face of the starveling youth.

"Maraton!" he almost shrieked.

"Maraton!" the other echoed. "He is here in London!"

The face of the older man twitched with excitement.

"But they will arrest him!"

"If they dared," Aaron Thurnbrein declared harshly, "a million of us
would tear him out of prison. But they will not. Maraton is too
clever. America has not even asked for extradition. For our sakes he
keeps within the law. He is here in London! He is stripped for the

David Ross rose heavily to his feet. One saw then that he was not
really old. Starvation and ill-health had branded him with premature
age. He was not thin but the flesh hung about him in folds. His cheeks
were puffy; his long, hairy eyebrows drooped down from his massive
forehead. There was the look about him of a strong man gone to seed.

"They will be all around him like flies over a carcass!" he muttered.

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