History of Egypt From 330 B.C. To the Present Time, Volume 12 (of 12) by S. Rappoport
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_MODERN EGYPT_ _EGYPT DURING THE CRUSADES--RISE OF THE OTTOMAN POWER--NAPOLEON IN EGYPT--THE RULE OP THE KHEDIVES--DISCOVERING THE SOURCE OF THE NILE--ARCHÆOLOGICAL RESEARCH AND DISCOVERY._ _Spread of Muhammedanism--Spirit of the Crusades--The Fati-mite Caliphs--Saladin's brilliant reign--Capture of Damietta--Conquests of Beybars--Mamluks in power--Wars with Cyprus--Turkish misrule--Napoleon invades Egypt--Battle of the Pyramids--Policy of conciliation--Nelson destroys the French fleet--Napoleon in Syria--Battle at Mount Carmel--Napoleon returns to France--Negotiations for surrender--Kléber assassinated--French army surrenders--Rise of Mehemet Ali-Massacre of the Mamluks--Egyptian army reorganized--Ibrahim Pasha in Greece--Battle of Navarino-Revolt against Turkey-Character of Mehemet Ali--Reforms under his Rule--Ismail Pasha made Khedive--Financial difficulties of Egypt--England and France assume control--Tewfik Pasha becomes Khedive--Revolt of Arabi Pasha--The Mahdist insurrection--Death of General Gordon--Kitchener's campaign against the Dervishes--Prosperity of Egypt under English control--Abbas Pasha becomes Khedive--Education, courts, and government of modern Egypt--The Nile; its valley, branches, and delta--Ancient irrigation systems--The Suez Canal, its inception and completion--The great dam at Aswan--Ancient search for the sources of the Nile--Modern discoveries in Central Africa--The Hieroglyphs--Origin of the alphabet--Egyptian literature--Mariettas discoveries--The German Egyptologists--Jeremiah verified--Maspero, Naville, and |