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Child's Book of Water Birds by Anonymous
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The Dabchick is a very timid bird, and when alarmed instantly dives,
after which it is useless to look after the bird. It is easily
domesticated, and is often seen placed as an ornament to ponds, where it
swims about very merrily, and seems to enjoy a game of hide and seek
with any one who is attempting to watch its movements.



The Teal is the smallest of the ducks. The Green-winged Teal is the
American. It feeds on fresh-water insects, seeds, and aquatic plants.
When fat it is considered a great luxury. It is almost always seen on
well furnished tables. It generally feeds at night. It flies very
swiftly, and utters a whistling cry.



The Goose is a very common bird. In Lincolnshire, England, enormous
flocks are bred, containing from two to ten thousand each. They are
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