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First Book in Physiology and Hygiene by John Harvey Kellogg
page 16 of 172 (09%)
in a year; 365 multiplied by 2 equals 730. So a boy eats a good many
times his own weight in a year. How much would a person eat in fifty

~2.~ Our bodies are composed of what we eat. If we eat bad food, our
bodies will be made out of poor material, and will not be able to do
their work well. So you see how important it is to learn something about
our foods. We ought to know what things are good for us to eat, and what
will do us harm.

~3. Foods and Poisons.~--Foods are those substances which nourish the
body and keep it in good working order.

~4.~ Our foods are obtained from both animals and plants. All food
really comes from plants, however, since those animals which we
sometimes use as food themselves live upon the vegetables which they
eat. For example, the ox and the cow eat grass and furnish us beef and
milk. Chickens eat corn and other grains, and supply us with eggs.

~5.~ The principal animal foods are milk, cheese, eggs, and the
different kinds of flesh--beef, mutton, pork, fish, fowl, and wild game.

We obtain a great many more kinds of food from plants than from animals.
Most plant foods are included in three classes--_fruits_, _grains_, and

~6.~ _Fruits_ are the fleshy parts of plants which contain the seeds.
Our most common fruits are apples, pears, peaches, plums, cherries, and
various kinds of nuts. Perhaps you know of some other kinds of fruits
besides those mentioned. Your teacher will tell you that tomatoes,
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