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First Book in Physiology and Hygiene by John Harvey Kellogg
page 7 of 172 (04%)
with fine porches, having around them tall shade trees, smooth lawns,
pretty flower-beds, walks, and sparkling fountains.

~2.~ Perhaps some of you live in such a house, or have visited some
friend who does. If so, you know that the inside of the house is even
more beautiful than the outside. There are elegant chairs and sofas in
the rooms, rich carpets and rugs on the floors, fine mirrors and
beautiful pictures upon the walls--everything one could wish to have in
a house. Do you not think such a house a nice one to live in?

~3. The Body is Like a House.~--Each of us has a house of his own which
is far more wonderful and more curious than the grandest palace ever
built. It is not a very large house. It has just room enough in it for
one person. This house, which belongs to each one of us, is called the

~4. What is a Machine?~--Do you know what a machine is? Men make
machines to help them work and to do many useful things. A wheelbarrow
or a wagon is a machine to carry loads. A sewing-machine helps to make
garments for us to wear. Clocks and watches are machines for keeping

~5. A Machine has Different Parts.~--A wheelbarrow has a box in which to
carry things, two handles to hold by, and a wheel for rolling it along.
Some machines, like wheelbarrows and wagons, have but few parts, and it
is very easy for us to learn how they work. But there are other
machines, like watches and sewing-machines, which have many different
parts, and it is more difficult to learn all about them and what they

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